I just had a conversation about the mid to late 90's trend of using no spaces, no capitals, and straight lines as a design aesthetic. That got me to thinking about this blog (neglected since last summer though it may be) and the way I have designed it. I suppose the holdover from the 95-99 design style stems from the fact that the last time I really designed anything was during high school and specifically for LHHS MUN and a particular square program and other documents. We all thought they were fantastic (and I might add that the current LHHS MUN design is certainly inferior, regardless of taste) and I still think it was. The logos, the promotional videos, the over the top production values (ok, so production value may be pushing it...) and the assurance that we were on top of our game.
The years have passed (only two more until my 10 year reunion) and the confidence and ease have morphed into a cynicism and resignation to the daily grind. Sure I am far more confident that I can meet and handle myself in the urban social situations I encounter but the creativity and belief that everything was possible has wanned and doubts abound. I often wonder if I can make ends meet (interesting turn of phrase that is), what the future holds, will I lose my hair, what about my closest friends?
Don't get me wrong, these questions don't always consume my thoughts but they are there and from time to time demand attention. I am forced to comment, if only to myself what I truly believe. That there is a hope and a future. That regardless of situation there are still options. Even if I do lose my hair I can still have people in my life that I love and care about and who return the favor.
How can I be sure what makes this possible and why do I even bother? Ah, there is the rub. On my own it does look hopeless, a never ending descent into cynicism and depression. Am I alone, hardly! Do I know all the answers? No. Do I believe that there are answers? Yes. Nothing in my life has confirmed that there are answers (even when I don't see them right away - or ever) than all the upheaval and change that has happened since those heady days at LHHS. Hard times? Naturally. Happy times? There have been some of those too. Confusion, despair, hope, fear, love, hate...? Of course. All through that I have to say that the freedom to ask questions that I think I should already understand the answer to is more of a gift than I am worthy to receive.
Well, that's how it goes...