For those of you who think it is lazy and ultimately irresponsible to watch movies in class I submit the following argument (and that is where it will end): In science there are a multitude of real-world examples of the principles and concepts that we discuss in class. There are only so many demonstrations that can fit on a tabletop or even in a room for visual reinforcement. Many examples simply cannot be performed of observed safely or at all in a classroom or high school laboratory setting. The budget just isn't there to afford much of the lab equipment and demos that would be useful for instruction. Enter the video. A recorded discussion or journey into examples and topics that simply cannot be visited otherwise. I don't think I need to go into specifics but suffice it to say you just can't take a field trip to the moon (yet).
In other exciting news, my students spent most of the day doing group work and problem solving in preparation for various quizzes and tests next week. Always a nice time. Made even more so buy the prospect of a test and rest day as it is known in some circles. I have of course scheduled the tests to coincide with the day I leave for California so as to not burden myself the night before with preparation and perhaps forget to pack something.
I also get to chef it up tonight as I will be preparing dinner for a group of BU students. Always a fun way to spend the afternoon. The only damper on that fun is the strange dietary requirements of some of the students. Gluten free this and non-dairy that. I can't keep it all straight in my head!
Well time to grab some lunch.

What you don't see it!?!
I changed the title!
Yes, I did!
It used to be "What's Next for Ryan?" and now it is "What's Next for Ryan!"
You don't see a difference?
Well I'm sorry if a complete perspective change is too subtle for you.
Yeah, so there!
My roommate has this uncanny tendency to misplace his keys and for the last month or more he has been without. Every time we try to have new keys made the Home Depot is out and claims they are ordering new blanks. So far, nothing! So I finally broke down and stopped into a combo shipping, fax, laundry, and key making shop on my lunch break. The roommate is pleased.
What is this guy talking about?
Well I will endeavor to explain. I recently was hired as a full time employee of the school where I have up to this point been essentially a long-term sub. There was a resignation of a teacher and apparently, from the praise of the principal, they were quite pleased with my and whatever it was that was happening in the classroom under my watch. The only real downside to all of this is that at some point I will be transitioning from the Science Department and teaching Physics & Chemistry to the Math and Social Studies Departments to teach cultural geography. Maybe I will find that article about the Indian (I think) woman and her sassey red shoes - If you had Victerson you understand if not don't worry. Also Algebra and Business Math. As my Dad says in High School the easiest class to teach (in terms of preparation required) is math after all it's just homework, quiz, test, final with lecture and maybe a single project worked in there somewhere.
That's all good you might say, but what is causing the craziness?
Fine, I was just coming to that. So, it seems that the Physics guy for whom I am currently filling in is not ready to come back yet (Another 2-3 weeks they say) and that adds to the indefinite stay in the Science Department that began that fateful day in September. So the uncertainty ends but is yet prolonged. Let's just say that the day I signed the contract turned into one of those days. I suddenly felt trapped by my good decision to stick with a job that was in line with what I am currently considering as my goals.
I think that God has been teaching me for so long now (2+ years) how to trust Him and let go of everything I want and accept that I don't know what is happening tomorrow much less 5-10 years from now that it was time for a new lesson. It seems that we are now learning to trust and work through a period of time where a commitment has been made. My life now seems filled with commitments (small and large): A job with a contract until June, A girlfriend, volunteering with the BU Navs, A 1 year lease on an apartment to name a few. How to live a free and inspired life in a time of commitments seems to be the question du jour.
At this point it is mostly ramblings and a deep sense of gratitude that I have people in my life who care enough to ask and listen and even to wait while I attempt to ponder...
Pile of stuff to grade!
Yeah so I have another interview tomorrow at 2pm at another school for another Physics teaching position. Oh, and I have also, essentially, been offered a job as a contract tutor for high school math and science students.
What do you know.

Arrested Development - Mondays @ 8pm
Season 2 Premiere 9/19/2005
House - Tuesdays @ 9pm
Season 3 Premiere 9/13/2005
Family Guy - Sundays @ 9pm
New Episodes Start 9/11/2005

Lost - Wednesdays @ 9pm
Season 2 Premiere 9/21/2005

My Name is Earl - Tuesdays @ 9pm
Series Premiere 9/20/2005
The Office - Tuesdays @ 9:30pm
Season 2 Premiere 9/20/2005
Note: Italics indicate a new show and therefore my recommendation is based on pre-season clips and interviews and does not necessitate that I will watch this show consistently.
*A note on Scrubs: This show is one of the funniest shows on television. In fact, prior to House it was the best doctor show on TV and this is not just on my authority but also on the authority of many medical professionals who say that the dynamic and the whole hospital environment as portrayed on the show is a better representation than anything else before it. Regardless I hope we get another season out of it and at least get a real finale.

It's been quite a while since I went on a bike ride with another human being. Of course I don't wait until some crazy hour at night to ride so as to avoid all humanity but I mean intentionally. I suppose it is a very different thing to pass and be passed by the hundreds to people out and about at any given time than to be consciously aware of a fellow rider. The biggest differences come as with any caravan situation whether it be automobile or pedestrian based. You have to be aware of passing and direction change decisions. To fast and your companion can miss the turn, collide with the passee, not make the pass, or in the case of stopping, crash right into you. While this is a fun game where you try to loose people while riding around at the age of 10 or so, the dynamic changes with time and company.
Like any collective endeavor the group or couple bike ride requires communication. After all it can be equally bad to lead too slowly (thereby causing the competitive and aggressive personality endless frustration) as too fast (leaving a slower companion into exhaustion and anger at you the leader). The communication difficulty is compounded when, as was the case on Sunday, you are forced to ride in a line and side-by-side or pack groupings are impossible. Lots of head turning in involved and I don't have to explain how that can lead to it's own problems.
I was doing a bit of bathroom and kitchen cleaning in preperation for the move-in of two new housemates and started to read some labels of common cleaners. As it turns out more than half of them seem to contain bleach or to be more precise some chlorine containing compound. So on that note I decided to make a list of 101 uses for bleach but then I realized that 101 is quite a few uses and I only had about five in mind. Oh well at least my white kitchen towels are clean and the shower floor doesn't look like it is made out of dirt.
At the same time I had to say farewell to another friend as she heads off to London for two weeks on a trip to spend time with the Muslim women in the city. My prayers are with her and I can't wait to hear stories and see pictures.
It was cold and stormy night...No, but I'm sure the weather wasn't all that nice. My friend Tom mentioned that he was planning to by a house much closer to Boston to cut down on commuting and be closer to friends in the city. At the time there were passing remarks that if we we're looking for a place to live we could possibly live with him. Months went by and he announces that he has found a 2 family place in Somerville and that he is going to rent out the 2 bedroom apt and live in the 3 bedroom himself. At this point he mentions that one of my current roommates is planning on renting the other apartment from him. That was news to me.
Meanwhile, Ernie got into Medical School so he was going to be leaving as well. So Rob and I talk to Tom and he says yeah it would be great to live with you guys. And all seems right with the world. Then we begin to realize that Watertown is much more convenient for us in terms of getting to work, parking, not having to move, that sorta thing. So we begin to entertain the idea of staying put and winding two new roommates. Mind you that at this point our lease is up in less that a month and we haven't even decided to start looking.
That just about brings us to the present. With less than a week left to find two people to live with for the next year craig's list comes through and he's not even a psycho. So now my moving weekend will consist of (potentially) changing rooms, helping the new guys move in, and helping Tom and Carrie move into their respective new places. Much nicer since I still get to come home to my house essentially as I left it.

Here there is a long curved sandy beach that can accommodate what I estimate to be thousands of people. In addition there is plenty of FREE on street and lot parking. How far away is this wondrous location, you ask. Well it is all of 30 minutes from Watertown and a mere 15 or so from Brookline (where I spend a great deal of time). In fact you can take the T and only have a 5 or so minute walk. Paradise you say? Well, I wouldn't go that far, but it is a very nice place with patrons of all backgrounds enjoying the outdoors just minutes from downtown Boston.
As I sit here enjoying my Sunday afternoon at pleasure bay I found a great spot right under the landing approach of Boston's Logan International Airport I snapped this picture of an arriving plane. At the same time, I pulled up the flight arrival tracker and tried to guess what flight was arriving each time. I doubt I was right and it is quite difficult to tell but I did get to see what I believe was JetBlue flight 466 from Ft. Meyers, FL land. So that was cool.
At this point my roommate and I can tell how easy a move will be as soon as we pull up in front of the apartment. The signs are always there. The size of the moving truck, the number of boxes (in this case more is always better since that means people have already packed most of the stuff), whether the roommates are helping or just standing back, what time the move starts, what food has been procured for the helpers, the number of helpers present - that sort of thing.
So with my wealth of experience and knowledge I offer these tips for your own move:
When reserving a moving truck from U-haul (other truck facilities are exempt from this because they charge more and aren't always overbooked), especially if you are tempted by the online reservation system, go into the local office and get your name on the list (or at the very least call the local office). As it turns out, the online reservations are only printed out the night before and they have no time specified that the truck is to be available. So, if you want the truck in the morning go in and talk to the guy and get your name on the list and then go in to pick it up when the office opens. If all that seems like too much, just rent from budget or something.
Pack up everything you can the day and week before so that there are boxes to load immediately. A good comment to hear is something like, "You don't even need us..." that sort of thing. There is nothing worse than having people stand around while you try to find something for them to put in the truck. Remember they are helping you out and they probably have other things they need to get to eventually.
Big furniture first! Or not. This seems obvious but it is actually too formulaic. If you have people who can lift you probably also have people who can load a few boxes. Be flexible and you will accomplish more with fewer hiccups.
Feed the help! Donuts, bagels, coffee something like that. It gives your friends something to do and an excuse to not tire themselves out. It keeps people who don't have anything to do from being in the way and helps them feel like they aren't wasting time.
Those are a few tips which if followed will help you have a less stressful and more successful move.
Fortunately I have Alton Brown of Good Eats on my side and of course the whole internet thing. At this point I am pleased with the result and all that remains is storage, transport, and service.


For what it's worth I will probably post again today.
Right so all that to say I am hoping to work in some field relating to physics. Possibly: teaching high school, working in a lab, working as a tech for a university. Something like that. In fact I am avoiding working on my resume and cover letters to write this post and some of you (ok, only 2 people ever read this) don't care because now you don't have to remove me from your links section (you know who you are).
Regardless I am inspired to post due to the weather we have been having. I love spring in New England! It is such a drastic change from the winter. Things that have been dead finally come alive and the sun that was mostly hidden for months (and even if visible gave almost no warmth) is back with a vengance. The budding trees and the beautiful lilies and dafodylls are up and reaching for the sky. The best way I can describe the last week weather wise is San Diego summer and that is a good thing (to borrow from Martha).
On the other hand spring in New England, while the best time to be outside enjoying the weather, is finals and quals time for us grad students. So this entry will be the last until May when all of that is over and I have something to report.
Fast forward to ice covered windshield and slippery driving conditions and I finally arrive at my destination sans my phone. I search the car with the light on and while calling the phone to see if it disappeared into one of those cracks you don't realize your car has until you lose something. So it is gone. I guess this would have merely been comical or irritating had this occurred at the end of January when I was about to get a new phone but now it means I signed a 2 year contract and have no shiny new toy to show for it. A pain, yes, but certainly not something to get overly upset about.
About 10 minutes after arriving we get a call asking for a pickup from the T stop and I go out in what is now borderline blizzard conditions (I would include a picture but you see my camera phone is probably somewhere in a drift of snow in Boston) pick up my friends. In the hop offering their thanks and appreciation. As we head back to the apartment, brake lights, panic stop and bang! So I rear end some guy driving his daughter home, excellent!
So that was my evening yesterday. It's amazing because the previous conversations about my day had included such words as good, even great and that I had accomplished a good amount. Hmm... Certainly I was being watched over as both vehicles were barely scratched and no injuries were reported.
Well, back to Soft Condensed Matter...
Anyway here is the list of songs now neatly tucked in iTunes and parked on the iPod with a 1 in the play count field.

On a lighter note, I am enjoying posting this wirelessly on my new palm. Well best to at least attempt & sleep.
I returned home to order pizza and lay on the couch as the events of the superbowl unfolded (Go Pats!). A few friends dropped by including someone in particular who made the evening quite enjoyable. Unfortunately, as we settled in for commercial critique and some dynasty making football, I began to notice a scratchiness in my throat and some heat and pressure from my head. Orange Juice and water flowed into me and sleep followed shortly after the goodbyes were said. Still I awoke with a dried out and raw throat, sore muscles and that same head condition. So here I am, sick and tired.
I trust that satisfies the title as well as a glimpse into my day. Until next time...
