This will now be my second post dedicated to the topic of posting. I logged in just now wondering if I should post something when in fact I had nothing to write. I guess I am now experiencing the other side of the coin. Now that I have several days of back-to-back posts I am feeling somewhat obligated to write something even this drivel about post frequency. Hmm...
It's kind of the same with commenting, sometimes I feel obligated to comment, even if I have nothing to say, just to show someone that I am reading their blog.
But Ryan, you're usually so witty with seemingly little effort that I'm sure you could've taken a few extra seconds to come up with a fascinating topic that would dazzle the masses into pure joy and wonder, causing us all to stand in disbelief that such a creative fellow would stoop down to entertain us when clearly he has so many other obligations he could tend to! Either that or you could just write jibberish like I do and hope that people find it time consuming and at the very best, mildly amusing
I think this whole regular posting thing is great, considering you once went several months without. In fact, looking at your previous post about the beach and the ocean I am tempted to make some scholarly comment about water imagery and rebirth…
Hey, I just decided to randomly post, too. However, I kind of had something to say, so I guess it doesn't qualify as "weird, senseless rant" type post. Oh well...
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