

I am flying to California tomorrow to be at my sister's high school graduation. I am excited to see the family and of course be in CA for a couple days in the summer. True, flying isn't exactly old school travel unless done in a tuxedo in first class (Which I will not be doing for anyone who is wondering). You see it is not the mode of transportation but the financial situation. Referencing the post titled "life.in.the.city" you will know that I am without plastic of any kind and without means of replacing it prior to embarking on my journey. So cash it is, or nothing but the clothes on my back which is technically even more old school.

So off I go.


I am at work just waiting for it to be over. What, you say? It's only Wednesday? Yes, I know this and understand that the week lasts until Friday. This week, however, it ends today. That, as you might expect is an exciting thing.


I went for a walk last night about 10pm. It was still warm and humid but at least I was free to wear sandals and shorts (unlike work) and enjoy the night. As I walked I commented to myself how lonely life in a city could be. So anonymous and isolated yet always surrounded by people seeing and hearing but never interacting. The I saw my sister's '85 Toyota Tercel parked on the street except it was silver instead of red, lacked the stylish Hawaiian print seat covers, and or course the California license plate eschewed by one from Massachusetts.

This morning I went out to my car, though it odd that the trunk was not completely latched. Started off for work. I pulled into a gas station to refuel pulled out my wallet from the center console and opened it to find: No credit card and no ATM card. Lost, Stolen, Slipped out of the wallet. I searched my memory for an answer only to conclude the worst. Stolen!

Now the real issue. No cash. No gas. No bank within 500 miles (I really need to switch). Hmmm...

Fortunately I could call a friend (reference previous post). Thank you Erin for being home and lending me the cash you had.

Cards canceled. New plastic on the way. I think it may be time to return to a cash mentality.



I am so blessed! Why you ask? Didn't your last post say something about having so much to do that you can't get it done? Yes, that is true. I can never accomplish all that must be accomplished in a day or a week or a lifetime. So blessed? Yes, blessed.

I spent Friday night playing cab driver for some friends. We decided to go to the drive in. Now for those of you who are unfamiliar with this great American institution go out and rent some movie set in the 50s. For those who think that drive in's are only used for swap meets, some actually still show movies. I know, crazy.

My point is, friends. No, not the sitcom but real people who understand you, or at least want to and try. People you can call up and talk too. People who call you up to talk. People you can be real with and who aren't afraid to be real with you. People with issues and struggles and trials and ideas and hopes and dreams. Some shared and some almost incomprehensible. People to laugh with. People to cry with. People to seek out adventures with. People to sit silently and ponder with. People to ask questions. People who admit when they don't know the answers. People who still want to find the answers. People to meet for breakfast. People to drop in on. People to have drop in. People to encourage. People to challenge. People to stay up late with. People to get up early with. People who wait. People to wait for. People to go with. People to come back to. People you know for two days. People you know for two decades. People to share life with. People in California. People in Boston. People to love others with.

You know, friends.



Much of the time there is really just too much to do. I mean you finally find a place to live and then you have to move out for a week. Then you get sick. Then you're better. Then you get a call that your car is fixed. Then you realize you can't pick it up yet. Then your boss decides to extend your job description yet again to include the go-visit-the-job-and-schmooze-with-the-customers-guy. Then it starts raining. Then you run some errands. Then you realize you didn't even make half of the calls you needed to make. Then you get a message from your roommate telling you all sorts of info you don't know what to do with right now. Then your boss comes in and chews out the guys. Then the circumstances are revealed to be different and he apologizes and is in a state of agitation.

Calm returns. At least for the moment and I continue to ponder how I will pick up my car, pay for the repairs, get a haircut, go for a run, make some calls, do some laundry, and finally get to sit down and read.