

As you can see from the four previous posts, I attended a David Crowder concert last night in Worcester (pronounced: Woo-ster). It also featured Shane & Shane and some other opening act I can't remember the name of. Evan knows but isn't here to tell me so that's just too bad. The concert itself was a fairly good time even if the vocals were a little muddy (at least where we were sitting). The hard part was heading out to Worcester for a Sunday night concert. You know how Sunday nights are. All you want to do is space out and maybe watch some TV but once on the way all was well. It rained on the way out and the drive home and Erin and I ran into a couple of people we knew but didn't know were going to the concert so that was fun. Evan had to leave early because he had to drive all the way back to Coltsneck, NJ so he could get up and go to work at 6:30am. Good times but today looks to be a long one that will leave me tired.

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