

I am currently visiting my sister in our nation's capital and enjoying a few of my spring break days as a tourist and guest of two fantastic women who are a blessing to everyone they cross paths with. I am so pleased to see what my sister is up to and even more excited to see her interactions with her roommate and dear friend and even the housemates they met when they moved here.

I have been lavished with hospitality and a chance to hear my sister explain and ponder her takes on life's challenges and opportunities both personally and globally. From her work with at risk youth and her roommate's job with IJM. I can't help but be inspired that there is so much more to life than I often notice or admit.

There is much more to say but I am not really there yet and it is late and I am tired.

1 comment:

Jon said...

Gasp! There can't be more to life than physics is there?