

It is more that time to get a new look for this crazy thing. After all the old look was designed with my previous life path in mind(You know, the whole grad school physics thing leading to a PhD). I suppose the dark look also fits well into my current position of unemployed job seeker wondering what exactly is next. I think the next long-term look will have to coincide with my next job. "And what will that be?" You ask. I don't know, stop asking, I will tell you when I figure it out OK!

Right so all that to say I am hoping to work in some field relating to physics. Possibly: teaching high school, working in a lab, working as a tech for a university. Something like that. In fact I am avoiding working on my resume and cover letters to write this post and some of you (ok, only 2 people ever read this) don't care because now you don't have to remove me from your links section (you know who you are).

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